Faaborg Værft A/S
has been certified by LRQA for more than 30 years.
The company is certified to the following standards:
ISO 9001:2015 Kvalitetsledelse
ISO 14001:2015 Miljøledelse
ISO 45001:2018 Arbejdsmiljøledelse
Certificeringen omfatter: Konstruktion, produktion og reparation af kundetilpassede maritime fartøjer i komposit og/eller stål og/eller aluminium. Fremstilling af kompositkonstruktioner til maritime og industriel formål.

30 years of certification
Thursday 30 Sept 2021 there was champagne in the glasses at the office of shipyard director Jan Mortensen
The reason was to mark 30 years as an ISO certified company.
In 1991, Faaborg Værft was the only other company in Denmark to be certified within the applicable standards under Lloyd's Register.
Standards that ensure that quality, the environment and the working environment in the yard meet high standards.
- I'm a little proud that 30 years ago we were so far-sighted that we chose to go down that road, even though it was a bit of a mouthful," says Jan Mortensen.
The reason, he recalls, as increased trade with Germany.
Since then, it has been a necessity to have the certifications in place in order to bid for the large orders in the shipping industry.